Sabinsa Corporation was assigned a second patent on its trademarked standardized black pepper extract, Bioperine(R), by the U.S. Patents and Trademarks office.
The first patent on the use of Bioperine® as an enhancer of nutrient bioavailability, (U.S. Patent 5,536,506) was issued in 1996. Patent 5,744,161 dated April 28, 1998, covers the use of piperine as a bioavailability enhancer for a broader range of nutritional supplements.
The salient features of the oral, topical and parenteral compositions with piperine described in the patent, include increased gastrointestinal absorption and improved transfer of nutrients / biological compounds through various biological membrane barriers in the body, as well as enhanced systemic utilization of these compounds. The patent also describes a new process for the extraction and purification of piperine.