Sabinsa's Curcumin C3 Complex® and BioPerine® Combination Used In Published Study On Metabolic Syndrome
Another significant study on the combination of Curcumin C3 Complex® and BioPerine®, Lipid-modifying effects of adjunctive therapy with curcuminoids-piperine combination in patients with metabolic syndrome: Results of a randomized controlled...

Sabinsa Launches New Cranberry Product Lactocran™ With Fruit D' or Nutraceuticals
Sabinsa is pleased to announce an unique combination of its' shelf-stable LactoSpore® probiotic brand of Bacillus coagulans (MTCC 5856) combined with Cran Naturelle® cranberry seed powder from Fruit d'Or Nutraceuticals...

Sabinsa's LactoSpore® Human Safety Study Cleared For Health Canada Access
Health Canada, the federal department that regulates the products that help the people of Canada maintain and improve their health, has reviewed and approved Sabinsa's shelf-stable probiotic LactoSpore® ingredient for...

India's Former President Visits Sami Labs/Sabinsa. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Emphasizes Importance of Science
Sabinsa / Sami Labs Limited in Bangalore, India was honored by a visit from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Former President of the Republic of India (2002-2007) on Sunday June 29,...

The Age of Biotransformation
Curcuminoids, the versatile pronutrient, is undoubtedly the most important and precious gifts to mankind from nature. However, the bioavailability of Curcumin had been an intriguing question to scientists all through...
SJUNE, 2014

Sabinsa Awarded Four New International Patents
Sabinsa has received several new patents this year thus far, bringing the company's portfolio of patents to 91 internationally. Here are some patent highlights: Australian patent for the proprietary process...

Sabinsa’s Sister Company Sami Labs Enters Into Memorandum of Understanding With Arya Vaidya Sala to Further Ayurvedic Interests and Products
Sabinsa' s sister company Sami Labs entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with India's premier Ayurvedic practice and research organization, Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal (AVS), to further the use of...

Sabinsa / Sami Labs Licence Two Patents from Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine and The Indian Council of Medical Research
The Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM), the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), and Sami Labs Limited, Sabinsa's sister company, have entered into a tripartite agreement whereby Sami and...

Sabinsa / Sami Labs Founder Writes Two Letters To Industry: IP Protection
You've likely noticed that we have been talking a lot about Intellectual Property issues within the dietary supplements industry lately, not just in the United States, but abroad as well....

Sabinsa’s Saberry® + Cococin™ Formulation Granted US Patent
Sabinsa Corporation’s SABERRY® + COCOCIN™ synergistic formulation has been granted US patent 8247003. Saberry® from Sabinsa Corporation is a proprietary extract from the fruits of Emblica officinalis (Phyllanthus emblica) or...

Sabinsa’s Curcumin C3 Complex® Shows Significant Reduction In Serum Triglycerides
A placebo-controlled, randomized double-blind clinical trial published in Phytotherapy Research titled Effects of Supplementation with Curcuminoids on Dyslipidemia in Obese Patients: A Randomized Crossover Trial (Mohammadi et al, 2012) reported...

Sabinsa’s LactoSpore® Chosen For Tutti Frutti, World's Top Selling Self-Serve Frozen Yogurt
Sabinsa’s LactoSpore® has been selected by Wellspring Industry, Inc. to provide the beneficial probiotic ingredient for Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt, the world’s top-selling self-serve frozen yogurt brand.“The taste and quality...

A Case of Unscientific Product Development, Promotion and Commercialization in The Curcumin Market
What is BCM-95®† / Biocurcumax™* Standardization of BCM-95®/ BIOCURCUMAX™ Curcuminoids Complex with volatile compounds : Not less than 95% Indian patent on Biocurcumax™ Year 2002-Indian Patent Application filed at Chennai...

Book on Tetrahydrocurcuminoids - C3 Reduct®
Tetrahydrocurcuminoids are among the major metabolites of curcuminoids irrespective of mode of administration. The recent discovery that intestinal organisms in human gut possess specific enzymes for metabolizing curcuminoids into Tetrahydrocurcuminoids...

Sabinsa Granted Patent on Tetrapure®
Sabinsa has been granted the company’s 70th patent on February 21, 2012. This US patent, #US 8,119,696 is entitled Treatment of superficial and cutaneous mycoses with a pure form of...

Sabinsa’s Shaheen Majeed Speaks on Natural Preservatives at HBA Global Expo
Shaheen Majeed, Marketing Director, Sabinsa Corp. was a panelist discussing Green BioActives: New Technology Trends for Ingredients on Tuesday June 19, 2012 from 1 - 2 PM as part of...

Sabinsa Receives Payment From Creative Compounds For ForsLean® Trademark Infringement
An intellectual property battle lasting three years and reaching the US Supreme Court has ended at last with payment to Sabinsa Corporation by Creative Compounds of all profits made through...

Sabinsa Receives Award for Best Marketing: Curcumin C3 Complex®
When the editors of Functional Ingredients, with help from editors of Nutrition Business Journal, scoured the show floor the first day at Engredia 2012 to find the best of the...

Sabinsa Awarded Damages by US District Court on ForsLean®
Creative Compounds Ordered To Pay For ForsLean® Trademark Infringement August 08, 2011- Sabinsa Corporation has been awarded damages for Creative Compound's ForsLean® trademark infringement by the US District Court of...

Sabinsa's BioPerine® Validated I Resveratrol Pre-Clincal Study
August 16, 2011- A study published in the August Volume of Molecular Nutrition & Food Research (Special Issue: Resveratrol - Current Status and Outlook) entitled Enhancing the bioavailability of resveratrol...

SupplySide West: New Products
October 11, 2011- Sabinsa Corporation highlighted innovative products at SupplySide West, at the Sands Expo Center, Las Vegas October 12 - 13, 2011. Pterostilbene and Curcumin are two ingredients whose...

Sabinsa on Wheels in Australia: Target Inflammation
In continuation of our tradition, this year Sabinsa Australia hosted Sabinsa on Wheels (SOW) program in Sydney, against beautiful backdrop of Manly beach at Novotel, on 26th October 2011. This...